We've had a quiet day today. Robin is prepping for the IVP tomorrow, so no solid food for her. I usually don't see her on Sundays. David and I try to give them as much privacy as possible on the week-ends. But, yesterday, we surprised her with a new desk for the craft room. She was up and moving around while we were there even though she was in a great deal of pain. Her special friend, Kristin, was planning to come over for pizza, but Robin cancelled because of her pain level.
I have to give a shout out to our son-in-law, Ken. He makes Robin a gluten-free pizza, which is more time consuming than just opening a frozen pizza and throwing it in the oven. Food preparation for a Lyme patient takes time and money. Robin has developed food allergies and sensitivities due to the numerous infections and parasites in her body. Ken goes the extra mile for his bride and does it with such a sweet spirit. I think we'll keep him!
While they were eating pizza, Robin had a pain attack. This starts with her eyes going into a blank stare and then she falls out of her chair (Ken is quick to catch her). Once on the floor her whole body begins to shake and the pain is unbearable. When the worst has passed, she and Ken lie on the floor and sing one of their favorite Christian songs.
The first time I witnessed this, I was sobbing by the end of the song. Worshipping her God, in the midst of her pain, as her mother's heart breaks and melts at the same time. Some have asked how we hold up watching our child in such pain. You just hold on and glory in the miracle of seeing that child praise God through her suffering.
Pray for Robin tomorrow. Her procedure is at 10:00.
And Then...
I have been reading through my prayer journals from 2006-2007 to help me remember what was happening in our lives during that time. Our oldest child was testing us on every front and Robin's sports schedule and social calendar kept us hopping. David and I were both serving in several ministries of our church. We were busy! Most of my written prayer requests concerned our son. My requests for Robin were that she would seek God's wisdom in choosing a college, for her heart and mind to be open to do God's will no matter where He called her, for safety on the road.
In August of 2006, my entries changed. I was praying for Robin's health - but nothing specific is mentioned. Her first symptoms were neck pain and stomach problems. Her book bag weighed a ton, and she played sports with such vigor. We attributed the neck pain to this and a slight case of scoliosis. She started seeing our chiropractor, but the pain did not get better. He adjusted her, x-rayed, adjusted some more, but finally told us there was nothing else he could do for her.
We took her to see a general practitioner concerning the neck pain and the stomach issues. This doctor's response, after examining our daughter, was "I can't see anything to be concerned about. Why don't you try cutting anything white from your diet." By this time, Robin is beginning to feel like no one believes her. David and I are thinking that she is too busy and just needs to slow down and all these maladies will go away.
Robin is not a quitter. Not then and not now. She saw the bigger picture - graduate from high school, go to college, serve the LORD where ever He calls, never give up, never quit.
Good, Better, Best
Never Let It Rest
Til Your Good
Is Better
And Your Better
This was Robin's attitude as she began her final year of high school. She would lay aside every weight, and run her race with patience. Her doctors said she was fine. Her parents said to just slow down. But Robin knew something wasn't right. Nevertheless, she pressed on.
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Fall 2006 |
I love reading your posts!